Fiesler Fi156C Storch 1/48 Tamiya Milestone 100th Release

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Senior Airman
Dec 27, 2010
This kit has a lot of extras

For some reason I've yet to figure out Tamiya decided to mold the clear canopy side panels to the fuselage halves

I'll be building this version as its just a 30 minute drive to see the real one so ref pics sure wo'nt be an issue

I've got the engine close to being ready to hang just need a few scratch wiring bits

Great work! I have always been fascinated by this little aircraft and the unsung role it played. Really like the engine detail and weathering. Ditto Airfame's thoughts on a diorama: Wasn't it a Storch that Hanna Reitsch flew onto the bomb cratered streets of Berlin with the intent of rescuing Hitler from the Fuhrerbunker? Hmmm...
Big thanks for the kind words everyone,sorry to be a killjoy but dios are way out of my comfort zone.I hope you all can get by with a straight up build.
I scratched up the wiring for the engine starting by drilling pilot holes in the heads

then the wires

with the engine ready to hang its off to the office,photo etch goodies in place

and the basics are done just some scratch bits left to detail it up

Thanks for the support everyone
I got the Fuselage halves joined up with the floor the fit is very good thankfully

Neat work, looking good. Bit late now, but the advantage of the clear mouldings means the internal frame work of the glazing can be painted before assembly - prevents that 'spaced', semi-gloss look when they're painted with the internal colour on the outside.
Looking forward to the next stage.
Thanks Terry ,yes a bit late for this build but tucked away in my notes for the next one
Wayne thanks !
I made some progress on the Canopy and supports,pretty straight forward except I put the pilot seat in too soon making the forward support a little difficult to fit

Thanks Terry and it really is a nice kit the fit is awesome no putty so far! Thanks for the kind words Harrison
Wings are on ,now getting ready to preshade

went with the flaps down option

Cool Trey look'in really good thus far but I think this is the 2nd time time you have cheated with those pre-cut stickys for the canopy.

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