Finished Hasegawa Junkers Ju87 G-2 1/48 Scale

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Jul 8, 2009
Here's a few pics of my finished Ju87 G-2, a fantastic kit to build and was the first model kit i've built in 6 years.Anyone looking to build a Ju87 i can highly recommend this kit, fits well, great detail,nice mold, typical Hasegawa kit


  • Stuka 3.jpg
    44.2 KB · Views: 268
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Yes, the photos could be little lighter but the model looks really nice regardless the lighting.
Hm, maybe I could do Ju 87G "Kannonewogel" for the upcoming "Heavy Hitters" Group Build later this year? I wonder...
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nice rendition of Rudels crate,

~ sad that no-one else tries and pitch in for doing other Kanonvogels from StG 2, 3 and 77 from 43-45. the poics are there you just need to hunt them down.

now how about someone doing a D-5 from one of the several NSGr's that flew them 44-45
Lovely work PP, waiting for the new photos..

Is red and blue over there basically democrat and republican in the US?
Lovely work PP, waiting for the new photos..

Is red and blue over there basically democrat and republican in the US?

Like les said, it's footy Mag

In Manchester Red= Manchester United, Blue = Manchester City

In Liverpool, Red = Liverpool, Blue = Everton

Like politics, but more serious

And hi PP, very nice job on the Stuka 8)
Oh, well learned something interesting. I forgot soccer was a rivalry over there. No different then our Yankees / Red Sox rivalry, but I hate both teams..
ok, ok been off this site too much. where is the link to the heavy hitters build ...............bitte !

That outlines the heavy hitters build.

That is the thread I've set up for my D-5 that I will be building for the MTO build, coming up in August. I may not start it right then, but it will be during that time frame.

You've already helped quite a bit Erich, but I posted another question, and seeing as you're the expert, would you mind taking a look at it please? No rush, I have at least a month before I'll be starting it!

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