First area to legalize Marijuana

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Ok Dan your right. I should apologize because I'd like to do the right thing when I'm older and not get in to drugs. I'm sorry I'll go smoke pot and maybe drink afterwards.

Is that what you want to hear. I could say what you guys said was BS and propaganda from pot smokers too.
How many drugs are we taking each day without thinking about it? Think about all those energy drink floating around on the market, aren't they in one way "drugs", since some people get addicted to them. How many drivers are using "speed" to get through a long hard drive, to stay awake, when they found out that coffee isn't longer working?
Harrison, we are just haveing a good debate with you. We are not trying to change your views on it. I'm glad that you are against it, and we need more people like you. There are going to be times in your life where no one will agree with you, it happens. Your young enough that you really havent experienced a good debate like this where hardly anyone agrees with you. It happens. In the end, just enjoy the conversation. Yeah, things get heated, but thats the fun part of it. The big thing is never take it personally. Just smile and carry on!
I agree. I am very pleased that you were standing up against the scourge of drugs, even if they are popular with others.
I think with the upcoming US Thanksgiving everyone should spark one up as every Jamestown resident was required to plant hemp as a crop

Why is pot illegal

In 1930, a new division in the Treasury Department was established — the Federal Bureau of Narcotics — and Harry J. Anslinger was named director. This, if anything, marked the beginning of the all-out war against marijuana.

Harry J. Anslinger

Anslinger was an extremely ambitious man, and he recognized the Bureau of Narcotics as an amazing career opportunity — a new government agency with the opportunity to define both the problem and the solution. He immediately realized that opiates and cocaine wouldn't be enough to help build his agency, so he latched on to marijuana and started to work on making it illegal at the federal level.

Anslinger immediately drew upon the themes of racism and violence to draw national attention to the problem he wanted to create. He also promoted and frequently read from "Gore Files" — wild reefer-madness-style exploitation tales of ax murderers on marijuana and sex and… Negroes. Here are some quotes that have been widely attributed to Anslinger and his Gore Files:

"There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others."

"…the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races."

"Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death."

"Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as white men."

"Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing"

"You smoke a joint and you're likely to kill your brother."

"Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind
Harrison, this is a good discussion, not an attack on you. But it's something that should be discussed in public. I quote from your text as it supports my point:

BTW I never used pot and I never will.
But in energy drinks it isn't illegal. I'm done with this thread. Tear me apart all you want I still believe what I want.

That's a shame Harrison! Don't take it personally, please! We're not trying to tear you apart more than slightly disagree with you...
That's good, stand firm to your beliefs and opinions, you'll need it when you grow older like some of the ancient gurus here on the forum! You'll more often than not meet someone that'll rub you the wrong way and you'll have a heated discussion, where a lot of hard words might be exchanged etc.
Even if we here might swap a few well chosen words occasionally between each other, I'd like to think that we respect each other, when it comes to beliefs, opinions and many other things, although sometimes the "Police" might have to show up here and wave their stick for things to calm down, in the middle of a argument...
Finally, I think that I can speak for everyone here when I say that we respected you when you joined here, and I think that you've earned even more respect for standing firm to what you think is right and not go down for one or another reason, cudos to you Harrison, don't change that!

You have a bright head on those young sholders, your dad can be proud!

Marijuana's Harmful Effects On The Mouth | LIVESTRONG.COM

Marijuana - InfoFacts - NIDA
Not to make it a political thread, but I just noticed something which I found extremely funny:

Many US people, defending as less influence of the government as possible (guns law etc) claiming they could very well decide for themselves are now in favour of the government regulating the use of pot, while the Europeans, being all for regulations by the government (including me) are now more or less claiming people should decide for themselves whether to use pot and the government should stay out of it. Some funny form of hypocrisy from both sides

Are you refering to this post Marcel. I just can't agree that marijuana use is not harmful or is even good for you.

But if the government legalizes marijuana, it should also stay out of the business of telling private companies that they have to hire those that use weed. I don't want to see any lawsuits that state companies are discriminating against pot smokers.

As far as regulating the import of marijuana from our southern neighbors; one very proper role of the government is to protect our border areas from foreign violence and influence. National security is one of the few proper roles of a centralized government.
I would even go as far to say that the govenments war on drugs has actually caused much more harm then any good. Most people will not abuse drugs even if they are legal and plentiful. In a free society people should be able to igest whatever they want. As long as they follow the laws of the land. Drug use is a personal choice and those that consume drugs should be responsible for their own actions and choices. We all know that drugs have harmful side effects so the more intelligent will continue to live healthy.

Legalizing drugs and regulating the border better would have a huge impact on the soaring violence in Mexico. It would take the black market out of the hands of the violent crime organizations and force the hundreds of thousands of criminals that are involved in the trade because of the lucrative amount of cash out of business.

Then for the same reasons you do not want marijuana legalized, you should be wanting tobacco and alcohol to be made illegal. You keep siting health risks, well the other two are far worse when it comes to health risks.

Don't let me catch you drinking a beer when you get older!

Ok Dan your right. I should apologize because I'd like to do the right thing when I'm older and not get in to drugs.

That is a good attitude to have. No one is denying that.

B-17engineer said:
I'm sorry I'll go smoke pot and maybe drink afterwards.

Is that what you want to hear. I could say what you guys said was BS and propaganda from pot smokers too.

Now you are just being dumb, sorry but no one has ever said that.
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Well I was actually referring to the whole discussion. I actually agree with you Amsel. Smoking weed is harmful. I only favour the legalisation because of the facts that I pointed out and actually you did as well.
Alright, so the big questions are:

Which is more harmful to your own body, drinking a case of beer a week or 4 joints???

Which is more harmful to u on the road, someone who drank a six pack or someone who smoked a joint???

Whose more prone to carjacking u at midnight, the dude who just drank a six pack or the stoner who just blew a fat bowl???

To be honest, I dont give a rats ass if it illegal or not....

Europe: Pot is legal, guns are pretty much illegal.
America: Guns are legal, pot is pretty much illegal.

Glad we got the cleared up
Been reading this thread with interest, I'm still debating about the use of MaryJ for medicanal purposes, I think if it's controlled it could be useful for those who are in pain. I'll be a hypocrit and say yes I have my coctails when I'm home and at other functions and don't think alcohol should be illegal. But I have to say that growing up in a middle class area in Queens New York where kids had access to cash there was a steady business of MaryJ. I would say from 7th grade on when my friends and I started smoking there would eventually be a very obvious,visible downturn in school performance and athletic performance. I would say there was about 30 of us,close friends whom finally broke up into 2 groups, the Heads and the Jocks, I split with the jocks. This is just personal observation and experience. I know MaryJ is not supposed to be addicting but the majority of the Heads went on to try other drugs that which sadly to say led to 7 or 8 funerals which were sad to attend, especially when one of your friends is lying dead in Church and your other friends are blowing coke in the bathroom. Some of the Heads were carrying A averages and ended up by barely making it out of high school. As for the Jocks especially me, I got turned off by what I was seeing happening to my friends and made a decision that drugs were not for me. Plus there's enough idiots driving around drunk that to add stoners to the list would just increase the risk of something happening. The people who take booze and drugs to the extreme will always cause a problem for the rest of society. As for B17, your still young and you will go thru many more experiences in your life, just try to take the correct path that will make you happy..

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