First Signature

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Master Sergeant
Feb 15, 2008
hey, guys. here's my first signature. and a new avatar. tell me what you think! :D hope it's not too big.
haha, thank you! that is the EXACT B-24 my uncle flew in. he was an engineer/top turret gunner. I have his CO's email address. c:
Good size, and nice pic. It'd cool to find the exact aircraft your uncle flew in.

oh you have no idea, sir. just a couple days ago, I learned a LOT more about my uncle than I had known. so it was very exciting for me. I plan on painting a B-24J to the exact specifications to that one.

and thank you, Wayne! :)
haha, I'm sure he's thankin' ya right now ;)
well, I could post some in the near future, if someone reminds me. I've got a couple. to share, but I'm a little busy right now. (building the Flying Tigers P-40)
Hey Trebor, did a new one for you if you like.


  • trebor01.jpg
    23.5 KB · Views: 116
Hey Trebor, did a new one for you if you like.

oh my gosh, I'm totally speechless! thank you so very much! I'm truely honored! I"m gonna use it right away!

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