Five Years

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T Bolt

Mar 24, 2010
Chicago, Illinois
Today I just happened to notice the join date under my dads picture in my avatar and realized I'd been here five years now. It sure doesn't seem that long. I still remember coming here for the first time looking for info on a gun sight and finding all you wonderful people here. There are many good people here contributing and I've made quite a few friends here. This is by far the site I spend the most time at, and even though I haven't been here as much as I use to be due to time pressures in the real world, there is hardly a day I don't at least take a quick peek at the New Posts section.
It's been a very enjoyable five years and I hope to be here for a lone time to come.
Congrats on the five Glenn. Snuck up on me as well and I never got you anything. Oh well, always next year. It's been a pleasure knowing you as well and I appreciate the help you've offered me.

Good stuff Glenn.

I remember it was not long after you had joined we chatted about the history of the spitfire in the Chicago museum which led you to build it in the BoB group build I think ?
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Thanks guys! I do fell like part of the family here
Good stuff Glenn.

I remember it was not long after you had joined we chatted about the history of the spitfire in the Chicago museum which led you to build it in the BoB group build I think ?
I do remember that quite well Karl. You, Gary and Terry were some of first "Friends" I had here, but it wasn't lone before had more than I could begin to list here.

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