French planes...

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Coupling is funny, Friends is nothing in comparison. Father Ted is modern, even if it is early 90s. Proper comedy is from the late 60s and 70s.

Have I got news for you is funny, and My Family is not.
...seems like there's a personal battle going on here. If this Heather Stanbury is good looking, what's wrong with him flirting with her?
Why is this taunting? Is Heather Stanbury ugly? She has a highclass last name, that's for sure...Stanbury...does she live in a big posh house, with a large estate...the Stanbury estate...wait...that's not posh...HA!
i think i might have something to do with that

and heather's a farmers daughter, they have a large farm but they reant it, like all female farmers, they like to think they're posh, and she's my second cosion once removed....................

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