Future Group Build Suggestions.

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Simplicity must be the key, to get maximum participation.

Not all have access and more importantly the money to obtain what may be required for a particular type of theme....so once we sort out the various ideas, then we will be able to see who has the means to participate.... ?

Now that would be kind of cool, I saw a sweet picture of a Turkish Fw190 a while back...
Very good points, Cory and Wayne. Although I like the idea of a 'Foreign' build, I'm like most, and I try to avoid, if possible, buying a 'one off' decal sheet that can cost the same as, or at least half the price of a kit.
I'm sure there are going to be enough ideas to start a few GB's going that will be accessible for kits etc, and affordable, as well as fairly simple and straightforward. The easier it is to participate, the more should become involved, and that's what'll make it more fun and 'educational'.
Gives me a good reason to build a Swedish nightfighter Mosquito....8)
How about a GB for those lesser known pilots, the guys that always end up in the shadows of the big names, but nonetheless worked just hard, but didn't have the same luck, or one for the MIA and KIA? Did we mention a helicopter GB?
Get 'em all on a list then! I actually rarely build 'Aircraft of the Aces', they're normally just 'ordinary' Squadron machines.
But we have to look carefully at what Wayne pointed out - the availability, affordability and, above all, the simplicity of building and entering. For instance, to have a build of, say, Chilean Air Force types, would be very interesting, unusual, and some colourful models of different types of perhaps not so common aircraft would emerge. But, it would probably limit the numbers taking part. However, if there was a GB for a particular aircraft, then ANY country using that type could be modelled and entered, at any period of the type's active life. That means, for example, that a Swedish Mosquito could be entered in a 'Mosquito GB'.
I'm all for some of the more off-beat subjects, but the GB theme needs to be open to, and accessible to, as many as possible - the more the merrier, whatever the skill level.
Talking of which, all you modellers out there in Cyber Space land, get your glue out, and enter the current GB!
As it is now, I think that it's very simple. We have 3 "classes" if you want for those that want to "compete", so you can either build straight from the box or if you want and can, you can go to town and add every possible thing to the kit in question. Other than that, you can take part in the GB just for simple fun of it, to learn and pick up new tricks of the trade...
Having a specific aircraft GB would be fun as well, looking at the MiG-21, F-16, F-104, Spitfire, Mosquito, Mustang, Bf 109 etc. etc.
The only limits to the GB's is our imagination and the wallet...and possibly time.
Good stuff guys. A bomber build seems popular, so if it keeps appearing, it'll probably be another forthcoming GB.
Can I suggest though, that say by the end of this GB, with the PTO one underway, that you all post some form of 'formal' list. That way, we can organise the 'polls', and get a proper list sorted.
Looks like that I'll have to find a bomber at some point... Time to plan this years Christmas list....? Although, I could enter a #139 or/and a #105 Squadron Mosquito.
No reason why not, I'll probably do a Mossie, more than likely a Lanc (1/72nd though at this stage), and almost certainly something USAAF.
The Revell/Monogram Marauder is still quite nice kit Jan. Once painted etc, the raised panel lines look more than acceptable, and in fact, in a way, actually help to delineanate the otherwise smooth surface. I'm still doing 'bits' to mine, ready for the Diorama Guide which IS still in production!
Jan, never be embarassed about having a PZL 37!
She's a beauty looking aircraft, and was state of the art in bomber design in her day.
Do you have the Mastercraft kit?
Embarrassed about the PZL 37? Hell no...far from it mate, I love the aircraft, very beautiful in all its shapes and forms....
I was talking about the old Monogram 1/48 B-26 Marauder...
The kit that I have is the very nice 1/48 Mirage PZL 37A, a very good reproduction which I can highly recommend! I'm sure that young Master Wojtek agrees with me, right buddy?
Enlighten me, what is a PZL whatsit, and what does it look like?
Jan, the old Monogram Marauder is the same basic kit now done by Revell, although I think some of the well-publicised faults must have been corrected, as I didn't have any problems, and it is a NICE model, big enough to be impressive, without being too big to need a shelf of its own, and plenty of scope, if required, for added detail.
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