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Soren said:And about #3, no the cruising speed for P-51D was much lower at 275mph, and that is also what vets say it did.
Soren said:And the Kommandogerat was an advange... right up to the point it got the divide by zero error and stopped working.
Example perhaps ?
Soren said:And the weight figures are based upon full fuel, where in actual combat the P-51 would have a lower proportion of its full fuel load than the D9.
Would it really ? I think not, as the P-51D first dropped its main source of fuel, its drop tanks, when engaged by enemy fighters, having to fight with full internal fuel load. On the other hand many 190's and 109's flew on low fuel, partly because of the trip to engage their target and because of fuel shortages.
Soren said:Vision from the D9 was good (compared to many other WWII fighters), but it was not nearly as good as that from the P-51 both because of the canopy design and the pilot position (try reclining and then looking back over your shoulder while strapped in).
Agreed, however forward vision was better in the Fw-190.
Soren said:Also, actual top speed of the P-51D was 448 mph. For the P-51B it was 451 mph. 437 mph is under Military Power, not Combat Power (WEP). (Source - Kit Carson amoung others)
Kit Carson ?! Now THAT's a guy which is full of it, and I think most people will agree with that ! I personally believe nothing he says, what so ever, and Im surprised if anyone does.
Is that with or without dts?I've posted the P-51 handbook data which clearly shows a 395 mph and an over 400 mph cruise.
KraziKanuK said:Is that with or without dts?I've posted the P-51 handbook data which clearly shows a 395 mph and an over 400 mph cruise.
KraziKanuK said:The ~50gph is about what the Spit (M66) got at fast cruise. (rpm were 2650)
What was the speed loss with dts?
paul.kachurak said:I'd love to see some documentation of 2240 hp. As I have said I have one Jumo doc that shows 2100 PS with MW 50 that is clearly marked as a Jumo213A. I have another doc that doesn't even say what it is but looks like a Jumo 213 based engine that goes up to 2240 at sea level. But again I have been told and I believe that this is a 1900-bases Jumo that never left the test bench.
Unfortunately I cannot post these per direction of the source I got them. I can e-mail them though.
Please provide the documents to back that up, if you can.
Jeeze Soren, I've posted the P-51 handbook data which clearly shows a 395 mph and an over 400 mph cruise. P-51's often cruised at lower speeds to extend their filght time, but cruises up to 395 mph were used while hunting/patroling ahead of the bomber groups. There was almost no actual range penalty for doing so (~50 miles less at 395 than at 275 TAS).
Again, in the past I've posted the NACA documents regaurding this. When the Kommandargat reaches a critical altitude, the ambient pressure drops to an unmeasureable level. Since it is used as an effective divisor in the hydrolic analog computer, this results in a divide by zero error condition. In the A series, this caused the plane to go into a safe mode - running rich and at low power.
You seem to want to play games with the facts. When it suits you you want to talk about a likely historic encounter situation of your choosing. Yet in the same argument you will use theoretical "fair" encounter conditions where it suits the outcome you support.
For instance you wish to totally ingore the fact that the P-51's had the advantage at high altitude and would most likely initiate an egagement from an altitude advantage.
Finally, the P-51 flies with a more nose down rake to it allowing the pilot to see even better to the front.