Fw190A6 Sturmjager of Sturmstaffel1

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Wow Wojtek, I just read the whole thing from front to back. Very impressed. How many hours do you think you have in this model so far???
Thank you Paul....:D:D:D
To be honest I haven't been counting. You know, most of time I had to wait for the glue fixing. I think it should be about a week.
Thank you Paul....:D:D:D
To be honest I haven't been counting. You know, most of time I had to wait for the glue fixing. I think it should be about a week.

A week, damn @#(@*#$! excuses the language. It would take me a life time to get that far on a model. Any B-17's on the horizon? Would love to see how that would turn out :oops:
The main problem is that I can work on a model when there is a lot of sunlight only.Of course for other details I can use an electrical light but for such corrections I prefer daylight.That's way I can work during the morning untill the midday when The Sun " looks" through my flat windows.:)So it is about six hours per a day.

Concerning B-17, the bomber is not planned but who knows....:D
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so W ~ will it be an A-6 or an A-8 ? Sturmstaffel 1 had very few A-8's on hand during their December 1943 through March 44 ramble in the skies

what references are you using ? ... side note very few of the SturmFw' even had outboard Mk 108's as well ..........

Erich was Sturmstaffel1 attached to IV./JG3 over Munich 24 April? Those would have been the early A-8s' wouldn't they?
I've found some free time for modelling at last. I decided to continue corrections to the lower halves of ailerons. Unfortunately the hinge markings on ailerons are at incorrect places what can be seen in pictures.I corrected it by cutting new openings for new imitations of hinges that were made of plastic pieces and glued at correct areas. The almost final effect in the last pic.


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Incredible work and attention to details. Truly amazing Wojtek.
I'm just wondering, where do you keep parts of the model between modeling sessions? I guess you must be extra careful for not to loose some smaller parts with ambitious and long term project like this one.
Thank you guys for these kind words. :D

Igor I keep all parts in a box that is a remains of Lipton Tea pack.Quite easy way doesn't it?
I keep the box far away from the kitchen. No one is allow to touch or have a look into my workshop.:lol:

THX Igor. :p
Thank you Evan...:D

But now it's time to bed. Pleasant dreams to all !!! :D

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