Galland's Bf 109E-4 1/32 scale

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Looking good. There's only a few wires and small bits to add. have a look at the one in my BoB build which shows the additions.
You might find that the compressor and other rear ancillaries might need to be removed to get the engine to fit into the firewall - but these can be re-fitted later. They may also need sanding on their rear faces, and this can't be seen once fitted. Test fit, test fit and test fit, or you'll have problems aligning the cowlings !
Thanks, Wurger, Wayne Terry. Wow Terry, just checked out your thread - that's a load of work that I wasn't expecting to tackle. And I was just congratulating myself on how neatly the engine had fitted together! Don't the people who design these kits ever do a test build?
Good luck with your build
You might find some useful refrences in the
BOB Lufwaffe modeling guide PDF
in the modeling books and magazines section of the forum
Gerry, the engine and mounts as provided will fit, after a fashion, but I wanted the cowling fit to be as near as perfect as I could get it, but still having the facility to remove them if required. (as shown by the addition of shims etc in the gaps.)
I think back in the mid 1970s, when this kit was current, the engine / cowling fit was probably acceptable for the targeted modeller !
Just for information, I've had problems accessing the Forum for the past 2 weeks because of a Google 'Suspected Malware Site Warning' which prevented me from logging on or viewing the site. This is still coming up but by deactivating a security filter on this computer I seem to have regained access. I mention this just in case this warning is genuine, as there could be a danger of downloading trojans/viruses from the site, if it is infected.

I am currently in the UK, using my daughter's computer, so have had to suspend the build for the next week, or so. However, I brought photos of progress to date. Photos 1 2 which are of my painting and detailing of the engine, gun platform and machine guns. Photos 3 4 are of a dry fit of the pieces in position. I'm trying to figure out the minimum of trimming to get things to fit before gluing anything in place. I've reduced the jpegs as much as I can but I don't have my usual reduction software here, so I apologise in advance if they're still too large.

Assuming that I can regain access to the Forum from my home computer, I will continue to update the thread as as the build progresses.


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Gerry, that DB looks fantastic! Well done mate.

As for the forum access, I go in through a tab on my favourites bar on my home page without a problem. I understand the problem is with one of the ads but everything else seems to work fine.

Looking forward to your next round of pics.
Aaron Crimea River, thanks for your comments. I'm relieved to hear that I wasn't the only one experiencing the access problem. At one point i wondered if it was a virus on my computer alone that was causing the problem. It'll be about a week before I can resume building, when I hope to tackle the Aries cockpit and see can I make it fit into the fuselage.
Very nice work Gerry.
However, I notice the same problem I had with the engine fit and alignment. You'll need to get the whole engine to sit further back, otherwise the coolant tank will protrude from the front of the fuselage, preventing the cowlings from aligning and causing a gap between them and the prop, which will be too far forward.
I had to remove the compressor pump and ancillaries, file them down, and then re-fit them once the engine was in place and correctly aligned.
Thanks for the favourable comments, Guys. I am resigned to having to do some trimming to get a good fit. What I'm hoping to do is minimise it. The pictures were just a loose fit, with the firewall and engine girder not tightly fitted together. As yet, nothing has been cemented into place which, should I think, tighten up the space a little - I hope.

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