GB 23 Winter War Eastern Front WWII-Allied or Axis

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Vic Balshaw

Major General
Jul 20, 2009
This GB is less than a couple weeks out folks, so any thoughts, questions or ideas on it, here's the place

The way I see it, this includes the Soviet-Finland winter war of November 1939-March 1940 as well as the June 1941-May 1945 Eastern Front (Germany), Great Patriotic War (Russia) and encompassed areas of Central, Eastern and Northern Europe and in the later stages, Southern Europe (the Balkans), Germany and Austria………………..Please chip in if I've got this wrong or missed somewhere.

So lots to choose from folks.

great stuff, i should be back in for this one !

got a russian P-39, La-5 and the usual Bf 109 G-6 and if i can find decals for a Barbarossa bird an Fw 109 A-3, my Bf 108 might fit as well, need to check decals for that one though.
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I was gonna do the same VVS Yak I did for Aces, but with winter wash overall.
I may have to dodge thisone tho for some of the HARS builds......
But then in the 14 of Aug is my shoulder op......... can't come soon enough.
It will be great to see you back into a GB Karl.

Vic, I've been thinking of this one for a while and was going to post an intro today so thanks for doing that. It looks like you've pegged the theme very well.

I have two lined up for this one: Ju87R-2 winter scheme using Hasegawa's kit decals for J9+LL and Peter Bremer's Bf109F-2 Black 12"Hermannchen" just to tease my airbrush skills.

I just purchased a Polikarpov I-16. It' going to be a "captured" Finnish aircraft and it will be my first Eduard's model. Gotta see if I have Finnish decals in the decals stash or my to do stash.

Got too many options for this GB in my stash - Il-2, Ju 87B G, Bf 109E, Bf 110, Fw 190A-4, Yak-3, Me 210 (Hungarian), etc. Obviously have some deciding to do, but, considering my GB track record so far, I hope to finish at least one of them in time.
Jan I would vote yes, as long as your choice does not involve the Norwegian campaign. However you might want to reserve your choice for GB27 "Atlantic War".
That's why I ask young man...

Seing those based up in the far north, in Norway or Finland flew against the VVS Northern Fleet(?) or the convoys....

Maybe worth looking into...
Now, if I'll take part, have cleaned out the workbench completely and I mean completely see of that will get the mojo back, I'm thinking a reconnaissance Ju 88, D-1 or D-2...

Seeing that this lassie can be confusing sometimes....

From the famous Wiki:

Ju 88 A-4
Improved variant. Longer span wings, due to rounded wingtips. Modified with new bomb dropping equipment to produce a A-15 "special" bomber variant. The Ministry of Aviation refused to authorise mass production of the A-15, as the wooden bomb bay "bulge" caused too much drag and a thus a reduction in speed.

Ju 88 A-5
Earlier models of Ju 88 upgraded with longer A-4 wings and other equipment.


Ju 88D
Long-range photo-reconnaissance variants, based on the Ju 88 A-4.

Ju 88 D-1
Long-range photo-reconnaissance variant based on Ju 88 A-4.

Ju 88 D-2
Long-range photo-reconnaissance variant based on Ju 88 A-5.

Does this mean, that earlier models before the A-4, when upgraded as it says, with A-4 wings etc., were 'A-4s' or very similar, as in seeing the difference with the help of the W.Nr?

Does this also go for the D-1 and D-2 long range reconnaissance version, or...?

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