GB 23 Winter War Eastern Front WWII-Allied or Axis

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Hmm... I never thought of asking for decals from someone. I do have the Airfix 1/72 BF109E-4 (I'm a 109 nut) which is perfect for those decals! I'll PM you my address so you can send them(though only If you'd like to.)
Yeah, I just work in 1/48 as well But let me check if I have something different in 1/72. Is it only an E-4 that you can do or do you have other 109's?
I bring you a question ..

I've been looking for Looking instructional several aircraft including Ju 88g6 that comes with the decals have a plane estubo in Prague in 1945 Gbell arifield ask me is:

3. / NJG 101, this squadron went this front, or went to the Western Front?
Well I actually managed to find a HobbyBoss 1/72 Ju-88c in the markings of Ju 88C-6, 4(Z)./ZG 76, F1+XM which should work out well for the build (right?)

That one definitely works.

Sergio's NJG 101 G-6 not so much. Save it for Defense of the Reich or Night War. I'll have a Ju88G-6 in the night war one too.
A white letter would be consistent with 4 staffel so score one for the profile. But I'll always take an actual photo over a profile as there is a lot of junk out there.
Thanks Fubar and Crimea (btw I finally got what your name meant today )! Man am I glad to hear that! I felt like if that one had failed I'd be F.U.B.A.R my self. I think it's time to go buy that sucker and get her into the build!
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OK Sam, lets get started, I'll post what I have for you, and we'll dicker about the "X". Quite possible it is a different aircraft marked with a black "X". We'll let the experts make the call. If you want any detail shot, don't be afraid to ask.

thanks andy, as I read in the book of classics publications nachjäger vol.2, almost all Russian units had wondered why victims
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Yep, and here a photo of how crappy the front end was done. Was the blue RLM24? Paint looks shiny and they used tape for the "frames".


EDIT,EDIT: What I took for reflections on the nose now appears to be the paint wearing off the nose
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All this reference will certainly help me out, and if the decals fail I now know I can do some crappy frame lines because my lines are pretty edgy much like those Germans! Considering the crappyness (that's a word right?) of my old Testors flat white I can create some ugly paintwork as I see in these pics. I may buy some RLM 24 but I may just use what I've got. Looking forward to starting and thanks to all for the references!

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