First of all....these Hasegawa instruments are S. H. I. T. E(!), after two attempts I gave up plus after checking the AMPE, I decided that those were a no I painted and drybrushed the panels....
Many thanks gentlemen....appreciated!
Wasn't giving up....was more pissed off with the decals, they were having none of
it....I've never had decals roll over themselves....every time that I straighted them out and returned later on....voila'....same again!
A suggestion Jan. You might want to score the back of that armour plating with some 80 grit sand paper otherwise the CA may not stick to the smooth surface. Once you do though, be careful as the CA will "grab" right away and you will have no time to adjust the position.
More than likely. Probably wearing the 'Kanal' pants, with matching jacket, either in blue fabric, or leather, or a combination of both.
Post a pick of the plot figure.
Somewhere around '43-44 I'd guess, it depends when they got their Fw 190A-8/R2's....and he was killed in October' 44 if I remember correctly....need to go back and check!