GB-37 1:24 Hawker Hurricane I - Helicopters / Military a/c of BoB 1940

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While Mother Superior watches her home renovation shows, I went back to the bench to work away on the "front end" of this kit. While I had the black in the air brush I sprayed a few other things as well including the instrument panel face. This scale allows me to hang completed parts on the pegboard that is along the back of the bench.



A few needed touch ups always seem to reveal them-selves when the item is looked at on the big screen. I am thinking about throwing Johhny Mcflyboy into the cockpit but then again I may not. If I do I don't have to get aftermarket seat belts.


A pencil works wonders !
Good stuff Jeff. I'd send you some fine fabric, the correct colour for the seat harness, which was an off-cut from a roller blind, but I loaned the strip to a friend, for his 1/24th Spitfire. By the time I get to see him, the build will probably be done !
Okay lads, first official request for assistance.

What colour do I paint the large pipe that runs along the bottom of this photo. This is the outside side of the starboard cockpit framework and I am just guessing that this is radiator related tubing?
I built one of those when I was a teen (many years ago), it was a christmas present and started my Hurricane love affair.

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