So here are some images of the A6M gunsight, mores correctly known as the type 98 II Navy type gunsight
Images and video sources are as indicated
Japanese navy type 98 Gunsight - Bing video
This website shows the Type 98 as fitted to the Zeke to be finished in grey. There is a secondary wire crosshair site on the left side
This image is from the Smithsonian institute. I do not have their permission to use the image, but i believe i may use the image for research purposes
The image from the Smithsonian suggests no crosshair sight, and an overall gunmetal finish There is a crash cushion at the back as well as some sort of adjusting knob below that sponge material. Im inclined favour tthis image as the likley most accurate one.
Finally there is this rendered drawing, which I cannot now find the source for. I apologise to whoever owns this image
I like this image because it is clear and simple to understand. As can be seen, however, it suggest the instrument was finished in IJN grey which I just don't think is accurat.
The kit supplied sight is provided as an allover clear part . This presents a minor prblem. If I try to paint the thing in gunmetal, it will finish in rather patchy fashion. If i paint the thing black and then over paint in gunmetal, the gunmetal effect will be losts. Im thinking a grey basecoat, with gunmetal top layer . Will test and see.