GB 41 Pacific Theatre of Operations from 1937 (including China war from 1937)

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You'll need to rotate the pic using your photo editting software I think. I get that with my cell phone sometimes. Pic opens correctly but uploads sideways. For some reason Photoshop seems to recognize this and it can be fixed there but I'm sure other programs work just as well.
Well I took it with a camera right side up and it's on my computer right side up so I never rotated it with any program but when I uploaded it it turned up side ways ? I looked for a way to fix it, mind you, I'm having one of those days where I probably shouldn't try anything more skillful than jamming a spoon full of pudding in my eye ! How do I fix it ?
I made a new file for the pictures on my puter and moved the pic into that file and it uploaded fine ? Must be a little known Microsoft feature ?

Rather no. The way a pic should be rotated and displayed is created by a camera OS when you take a shot. The info is saved in the file ( pic ) header. I guess you could have rotated your camera while taking the pic in ordert to see the entire image on the displayer of the camera. Another reason for that can be the camera settings. The next one can be the data wasn't saved there at all or was added incorrectly. In the case the pic browsers try to adjust the pic to a screen using the deafult own setting. Usually the smallest side dimension is considered as the pic width. But, IMHO , the reason is the first one mentiond here.
I don't know for sure. I've taken lots of pictures and loaded them up here no prob. For some reason this one decided to go bumhooley on me ? I did have the camera, straight and not sideways ? I even cut and pasted a pic of another plane I posted a while back, moved it into that file and tried to up load it and it posted sideways as well. That's when I figured it must be a problem with the file.
I'm ready to start my build post and still have to wait three more days. Thinking in keeping with the China I may laso jump in with this AM Tech P-40E and use the Sky Models decals for BG R. L. Scotts bird.
Good stuff Don.

I'm all set as well. Though I'm nowhere near finished my Wimpy I will try to slip in a reasonably simple (I can't believe I said that) project for this GB.
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If Burma and India are included in the PTO GB, then I might be able to get some time towards the end of the GB, to do either a 1/48th scale RAF P-47, or a 1/32nd scale Spitfire Mk.VIII, using the new Revell Mk.IX kit, suitably converted.
Got too much on to enter at the moment.
Andy, yes, I'll post pics - 2 x Andovers in 1/72nd scale, and a BE2C in 1/48th scale.

Geo - yes, please post pics of the decals. It'll be a P-47D 'bubbletop', in Dark Earth / Dark Green. I possibly have suitable decals, but 'every little helps', as a well-known supermarket chain say in their adverts !

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