GB-42 1/48 P-47D-23-RA - MTO II

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Thanks guys, working the cockpit detail painting.
Getting much better at toothpick painting and colored pencils, well I thinks so anyway.
Well I mixed about a 5 1 Tamiya CHROME YELLOW with zinc chromate. Here's what I got.

I'm not sure but I've see it on real air planes (B-52's in the '80's) The Republic plant used the yellow chromate at the factory but field depots would sometimes use zinc chromate in the field. Inputs?
I got engines and fuselages and all kinds of things done, and then I went and did it.

I have no idea what came over me but it was a religious experience and I could not stop.

I have no idea what came over me but it was a religious experience and I could not stop. My hobby knife took over and a hacking we did go, no I don't have a gun bay kit but I figure I have 3 more of these so if for some reason I get bogged down and screw it all up, I can pull a wing out of another. Let's just see where we go with this.


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