GB-47 1/48 Hawker Typhoon - WW2 D-Day and After – Western Front

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Thanks guys.

I finished the decals today. Thank fully there were very few stencils as is seems several were over-painted in the few reference pics I was able to look at. With that done, I did a black panel wash and then some streaking with black, white, and burnt sienna oils. This doesn't show well in the pics, except for the bottom, but I don't want to overdo it anyway.

I'll let the oils dry for a few days and then flat coat to the model. Thanks again for looking in.
I picked up the model today and inadvertently smudged the smoke stains on the underside. Damn, I'm wondering if this stuff is ever going to dry. I'm not aware of anyone having to wait days after oil staining to apply a matte coat. Anyone?

In the meantime, here's the reason that I got the aftermarket resin exhausts. You can plainly see how much better the look than the boney kit parts. Paint is Alclad Steel followed by a thin spray of mostly IPA with a drop of Tamiya Hull Red.

Thanks Glenn, Hugh.

I figured the oils have had their chance to dry and so I applied the matte coat today. The streaks have virtually disappeared in the pictures but appear nice and subtle in real life.

The dark area on the red stencil at the wing leading edge is where I had just applied some decal solution to remove a bit of silvering. This should disappear eventually. After the matte coat cures, I'm going to try a bit of salt weathering and hope that it goes well.

Thanks again for looking in and for the nice comments.

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