GB 58 and beyond

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The 1/72 Academy fighters are nice simple kits that fit together well and have nice surface detail. You can find some on eBay in the $20 range
Price is not that important. Just floated by a matchbox i mistreated a long way back. Made a bid. lets see if it can bring back those magical moments long gone if i am lucky.
Most of us, I assume, could pull enough parts outta the carpet to make a decent russian fighter!
It may suit what I would like to build.
But then that's how individual lists are created?
Yep, when I get back from my Euroligist apt!
I have All my Drs highlighted in my phone!!!!!!
Donivanp in the first post (item #2) - he gets credit for the idea!
True but he later said that list was superceded by his other one in Post #28

Andy I've modified my selection, dropping Light bombers for Recon and modified what I would like to see.
Done! NOW there are three votes for transports.

Got you down for this idea Terry and will add more later if you submit more.

That list covers most of my ideas in some way or another.
Favourites are.
jets, any era
Twin engines, Ww2 and also after ww2.
PTO build
Winter war
I like Terry's idea of other war aircraft too
i could probably find something for a lot of that list
Got your choices Karl thanks, including the vote for Terry's idea. For your "Twin Engines, WW2 and after", I've combined that idea with Glenn's "Twin Engined a/c of all Eras". Vic Balshaw I did the same with your twin engined pick and included it with all eras.
The Korean conflict is a great opportunity to have WWII era fighters mixed in with Jets, too.
Yeah, tried to post a stupid meme but it wouldn't show.

Anyway, here's what it looks like right now with the above comments tallied in. There is still opportunity to consolidate but I've not yet done so til more ideas come in (e.g; Bomber Transports can go with Transports; Maritime a/c can include seaplanes, carrier borne, etc...). Let me know if you find any errors.

The following consolidations were made:
  • My Carrier & Maritime Patrol Aircraft of WW2 has been changed to All Eras and will include land based rescue planes, seaplanes, and anti-shipping aircraft so that pulls similar chioces by Don, Mainly28s, PlasticHero, Glenn, and Vic into 1 category.
  • Mainly 28s Test/Prototype aircraft has been merged with Glenn's Prototype/Weird a/c
  • PlasticHero's very specific Light Hitters choice and Ralph's Light Bomber/Ground Attack has been merged with my WW2 Ground attack aircraft. Still could make this all Eras but so far no-one has asked for that yet and it does make the top 8 for now.
This changes things quite a bit so if there are objections to what I did, let me know.

Of those who voted so far, Donivanp, Crimea_River, Ralph Haus, T Bolt, Vic Balshaw are maxed out with 8 picks:
Fubar57 and Airframes have one vote each and can add up to 7 more each
Mainly28s has 6 votes and can chose 2 more
PlasticHero has 7 and can do one more
Graugeist has 4 and can do 4 more (accounts for combining the 2 transports into 1)
Rochie has 5 picks and can add 3 more.

If anyone sees it differently, let me know.
I don't (readily) see a place of residence for you, US, Europe, down under?? But if in the US? I just returned from Hobby Lobby, restocking glues and brushes and such and could not pass up the 40% off Airfix Mustangs and P-40Bs at $5.99. If nothing else they will become paint mules. All have a 'new-tool' date in the 2011/2012 time frame so should be good kits to throw together on a weekend.
OK, I'll add night fighters and transports to my selections.

and 60 and 52 can be combined, right?

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