GB 59 - WW2 Pacific Theater of Operations (PTO) - Aug 1, 2023 to Dec 3, 2023

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It seems that the blue vertical stripe and the white and red horizontal stripes was only used by the 49FG HQ.

Regarding the profile of "Barbara", hard to explain but it seems that from Spring 1945 the 49thFG' HQ's aircraft could have blue/white spinner. But this fact would have been used before, the P-40L flown by Johnson during October 1944 have worn 2 kinds of painting of the propeller spinner; 2 colors => blue (or red ?) and white and then all blue (or red) with a white stripe.
So what's Johnson's P-38 look like?
Le_steph40 and myself have been discussing this for about 10 years or so, no definite way to tell as we have photos of the nose of 3 different aircraft but none that show numbers on the tail/rear fuselage. And probably for that reason no one has ever made decals of any of his P-38s. That includes Superscale/Microscale, Aeromaster, and RepliScale.
Oh, come on! Microscale isn't averse to just making stuff up.
I have the decals to prove it.

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