GB26 Question

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Staff Sergeant
Sep 20, 2010
Norwich UK
I was just looking at my stash and thinking ahead.

Is the jet age GB a specific period or just anything without a prop ? For some reason ( probably my stupidity, stress levels and advancing years )
I had it in mind this was all about the dawn of the jet age, but reading it again I am not so sure
May 1st- Sunday Sep 6th 2015 - GB 26-The Jet Age or What could have been.
We all have a jet that we loved and always wanted to build, one that we loved to hate, one that we wished could have been and possibly would have been if it wasn't for politics or just one that has been hanging around too long in the stash.

So anything. I've got an RAF Phantom and an RCAF Sabre lined up.
Mirage IIIC French, Mirage III EA Argentina, MiG-17 PAF, Gnat T1, Phantom FGR2, Jaguar GR1, Jaguar GR3, Tornado GR1, Hawk T1 (1/32nd scale) Hawk T1 (1/48th scale), Meteor F4 (conversion) Hunter FGA9, Hunter T7 (conversion), F-104G RNldAF (1/32nd scale), F-86 Sabre USAF (1/32nd scale), Sabre F4 RAF, Jet Provost T5, Vampire T11, F-5E Swiss, Canberra B1, Lightning F1A, Harrier GR3, Javelin FAW9 - oh, which one to do !!
Ok thats cool thanks guys thats what I thought.

My stash is largely jet free, just 1 F-5 i think. Top Gun was on tv at the weekend ( i know .... but i was an impressionable age when it came out ) which made me think of trying something like an F14 or F15
Oh, where to start? Jets in my stash (all 1/72): MiG-21 (four 1/72 and one 1/48 kit), MiG-29 (two kits), F-104 Starfighter, N-62 (G-4) Supergaleb (5 kits), F-84 Thunderjet. Hope I haven't forget anything else. Too many options and so little time...
for this I have only two planes (although I have more but lack of time), one will be one raven EF-111 Gulf War I that of kuwait, and the other is a LTVA-7D Corsair II ang 23TFW / 74TFS "flying tigers" in Louisiana, who have asked me / request.

I have not forgotten about those white Phantom stencils Cory, will get them to you eventually !
Was looking at my Gloster Javelin last night, then noticed it was on top of my Canberra, too much choice.......

Flanker keeps whispering in my ear, build me, builllllld meeeeee !
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