Geedee and Rocketeer's Flying Legends Airshow 2014

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Great stuff Gary. The weather forecast for the rest of the weekend is mixed, with Saturday possibly being the better day, but light and heavy rain showers predicted.
I'll do my Navajo reverse rain dance before I leave in the morning, and hopefully bring some dry weather with me.
Great shots Gary. Wonder how they got the P-26 over there for the show. Is that the P-40 that was in an OD Pearl Harbor camo with big white letters or is that another one? Can't be many of those early model P-40s around.
Here are my 10! Not as good as Garys


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Outstanding guys. Gary, regarding your first pictures and the haze. I had some photos with lots of haze and tried something on as a lark...

...the photos cleaned up pretty well, I think. I used the Autolevel Adjustment shown below. Might be worth a shot.


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