Staff Sergeant
Hello JugBR,
I don't quite get the meaning of your statement or question from your post. IMO both, Russia and Georgia mainly possess outdated military hardware. Since they do not have much of anything else what should they use?
I can't see the picture, but those Russian made tanks were most certainly knocked out with guided missiles or through head on head firing from tank to tank. and conventional ATmines.
the main idea was just to talk about the weapons used in conflict. i think we are not talking about that too much. and its a very important point.
the georgians have outdated hardware specially the old and very unsafe t-72´s and the mtlb´s, but the russians have a lot of diferent kinds of weapons, some outdated others very moderns, like the su-35´s or the newers t-90´s, those have the latest in warfare technology.
was the russian knowloge of t-72 weakness, a really decisive point for russians takes very quickly the south ossetia capitol and also defeat the georgians over that territory ?
did russian commanders underestimated the georgian air defence systems ? should that explain the losses in russia airforce ? or the choice of engajed air weapons wasnt the better ?
seems like the russian warfare in ground was very eficient and victorious, but since the georgia have a so small air force and also havent any kind of fighter and russia at least lost 4 aircraft, seems like the air campaign didnt follow the ground´s success.
regards jugbr