German AFV Pictures.

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When I see him again. I was on 24 hour duty when he took it. He is using it for some Staff class. I think it is funny since we are a Aviation unit not a Armour unit. When I see him, I will ask him for it.
Some more:

Demag sdkfz10/5 20mm aa gun

Panzers in Russia

Panzer III's being Repaired

Panzer IV in Africa

Panzer 38t

Panzer 4 on guard at toulon harbour.

Panzers in Russia

Panzer IV's on the Polish Border




These are only a sample of the images from that site, it can be found at

Tiger - knocked out

Panther opens fire on the enemy

More images can be found here:

Both sites have some good stuff, I would recommend taking the time to look at them.
As Adler said, the odds are the Tiger was knocked over like that after the battle. If it had been left, it would have been blocking the road.
Nice pics Gnomey.

Although its a Pzkpfw.IV opening fire on that last picture, not a Panther

DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
I would think the Tiger got knocked over by a Tank Wrecker or something.

Yes, thats exactly what happened.
I'm only saying what it says on the site but now that I look at it closely I see your are right Soren, well spotted.
No problem Gnomey, with all those pics posted at once, its bound to happen

I really like the picture of the Tiger with no muzzle-brake, keep'em coming.
Tiger knocked out ? ................ or abandoned during the retreat ? this was a common practice when tracks could not be brought up to the front from Normandie onward and as already been said any German vehicle was bulldozed however it could be off the side of the road, with the vehicles in some cases remaining at that location for many months, even after the war and finally hauled off and scraped. there are literally hundreds of p[ics of abandoned and trashed German MT's and fueled out GErman panzers litering the roads in France

food for thought gents

Panzer IV and troops in Russia during the winter of 1941-42

Panzer IV Close-up

Panzers and troops

Panzer IVD and Commander

Close up of a Panzer IVD

Panzer Engine Replacing

Armored Column (Russia?)

SPG on Panzer III chassis (Bison?)

Panzer III in Russia

Panther - Engine getting Replaced


Knocked out/Abandoned German Armour (looks abandoned to me)
last pic is a nice one Gnomey. note on the short barreled 7.5 halftrack the storage compartments rifled through and the funny position of the Panther. Most likely out of fuel and the crews took off
Nice pics 8)

That last one is at Kotzing, Bavaria, and taken nomore than maybe an half'n'hour after they were disabled, great pic.

Some other pictures from the scene:


  • panth_bav_793.jpg
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  • pziv_bav_119.jpg
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Absolutely, here's another pic showing a Panther having undergone the same treatment:


  • panth_wreck_201.jpg
    70.6 KB · Views: 225
maybe it's just hiding, laying an ambust along the road, we'd expect it to be in the road but you can clearly see it's trying to hide behind a small tree

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