German-Soviet peace 1942/1943, air war

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The woke squad? Excuse me, care to elaborate?

These kind of attacks will not be tolerated. Only warning.

Knock it off with the antagonistic arrogant bullshit. All of you.
He told me to shut the fuck up. I responded with a 'fuck you too'. Sounds reasonable to me. He was arrogant. So forty years in history study doesn't make him an expert on anything other than memory. Name me one history buff who ever became a leader.
Let me give a good example of what could go wrong if Turkey reestablished the Ottoman Empire. Its called Iraq. The Brits and Americans had trouble with it for 80 years. So in 2001 they came up with a solution. A dodgy dossier, an invasion. Go in light, let the Sunni's escape with their weapons. Then just spend 6 months conducting bombings until the Shia and Sunnis fight each other. Intervene to separate the combatants. Use depleted uranium weapons. Cancers everywhere, infrastructure destroyed. Problem solved. 2 million dead. Do you think the Turks could have done any better in 1942/43. Then there would have been the oil producing states. What do you think would have happened? Arab terrorist attacks on the oil installations would be my guess. Turkey would have been sucked into a unwinnable quagmire. Julian Assange is a useful fool who has distracted attention from the real events that happened. OMG, a couple of dozen dead journalists and crooked American politicians. Big deal. Turkey would have been on the back foot around the whole Arabian peninsula.
Without an Eastern front, Germany would reshape their focus on Europe and the Med.
So how would the OKW reasses North Africa now that they have additional men and material no longer committed to the Ost front?
It seems to me, that the British held territories to the east of the Med. would fall into their sights.
*IF* Germany was able to push into Egypt and seize the Canal, how would that affect Britain and their operations in Asia and the Indian Ocean and would Japan be of any help?
That region does have much needed oil that Japan would certainly be interested in.
He told me to shut the fuck up. I responded with a 'fuck you too'. Sounds reasonable to me. He was arrogant. So forty years in history study doesn't make him an expert on anything other than memory. Name me one history buff who ever became a leader.

Both of you need to tone it down.

Arrogance is subjective.
If you don't allow disagreements then remove the disagree button. If you don't like the dumb button then remove it.

Of course people can disagree. This is a discussion forum, people are going to have differing opinions. Disagreements can be done constructively and in a civil manner.

If we could get rid of the buttons, we would.
Of course people can disagree. This is a discussion forum, people are going to have differing opinions. Disagreements can be done constructively and in a civil manner.

If we could get rid of the buttons, we would.
we've tried to remove that one indeed, but only one has the privileges to do that and he hasn't been here for some time.

Being "rude back" never helped anyone. If you feel being treated rude, we have a notify button, so the forum team can step in. THERE NEVER SHOULD BE A REASON TO BE DISRESPECTFUL. LEAVE IT TO THE MODS, THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE THERE FOR!

Exactly, thank you Marcel.

Please don't make our job more difficult than it is. If you have a problem with someone, report it, and let us take care of it.

I will reach out to Horse again. I have his number.
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So K Kevin J , whats so funny now?
Your actions sound like censorship to me. Us Brits have to put up Holywood rewriting WW2. The most recent acts I've seen on YouTube. It's called demonetisation. The World War Two Channel got it; a bunch of American men and women doing a day by day, blow by blow account which doesn't fit with the official narrative on your side of the pond. Then there's Leak Project. The guy walked around a 5G tower with a geiger counter. Max readings 6-7 microsieverts per hour, lethal, so he got demonetized a few weeks later.
OK - enough, I think you need to let this rest, my only warning

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