"Is it safe?"
The words were rough and measured and my eyes started to focus to the room. It was dark except for a single lamp with a low-watt dirty bulb for light. I was semi-sitting in what I took to be a lounge chair with my wrists taped down to the arms of the chair. My head was pounding somewhere between my ears and I still had to take a piss.
"Is it safe?" the voice asked again and just now I could make out a figure standing behind the lamp. I couldn't see his face but his hands reached down to a small metal table next to the lamp. There appeared to be kitchen utensils on top of the table.
"Is it safe?"
His voice had an echo which, although I couldn't see the rest of the room, gave me an indication of its size. It was big.
"Is it safe?" he asked again.
"You've got to get a bigger vocabulary." I replied, my head pounding with every word.
"Is it safe?" he said again.
"Is what safe? Who are you and where the hell am I?" I wriggled the tape holding my wrists and found I had some room to work my way out of them.
"Is it safe?" he asked, yet again like a stuck phonograph and tried to move from behind the lamp. Tried, because as he did, he tripped on something on the floor and I thought he was gonna do a Dick Van Dyke. I still couldn't see his face but I could see he held a syringe in his left hand, filled with a blue liquid. Great, I thought, somebody wants to play doctor and I'm the patient.
"Is it safe?" he said as he still moved around the chair, always keeping his face out of the light but he kept tripping as he walked. It was apparent his slinky doesn't go all the way down the stairs.
"Hey, Dr. Menegele, wanna tell me whats this all about?" I said, still working my wrist tapes.
"You are Number 6." he replied in a change of topic. Well that about answered everything, I thought. I didn't know what his problem was but I'd bet it was hard to pronounce.
And thats when it happened.
The tape on my wrists suddenly broke and my arms popped up from the force I exerted. This move must have surprised him as he tripped once again but this time fell backwards. As he did, the lamp wobbled and then followed the good doctor to the floor, both crashing with a sound that continued to echo in the room for a few seconds. A muffled groan and then all was silent. Except for my bladder which I swear must have been lodgeing a complaint to my body. Now everything was dark and I slowly got up from the chair. I could feel with my feet that Mr. Safe was out cold on the floor. "I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it." I said and gave a swift kick.
I slowly made my way across the room, arms out in front of me, trying to reach a wall or something. It was darker than a day in Sweden and I was hoping to get out soon and relieve myself. After a few feet I couldn't hold it anymore. Not knowing what was around me, I decided to go right there. Opening my fly, I soon was.......