Girls and Aircraft - Volume II

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Great post of the Romanian women pilots and the photo of Smaranda Brăescu has a great view of the Bf108's cockpit!
There are several books about the female pilots from the White Squadron, all of them AFAIK in Rumanian language:

But for me the most interesting fact is that as early as in 1944 an Italian-Romanian movie about (or probably based upon) the "White Squadron" was shown to the public:

Below actress Mariella Lotti in the movie.

See IDMB @ Squadriglia bianca (1944) - IMDb
Looks like a great collection of books, but sadly, I don't know Romanian!

I've always found it interesting that the West was always more reserved in the respect to having female pilots, while the Eastern Europeans were more progressive. Matter of fact, the world's first female military pilot was Rayna Kasabova, of the Royal Bulgarian Aviation Corps, who at the age of 15, flew her first mission during the first Balkan War (1912)
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