Girls and Aircraft - Volume II

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NC is the old designation system, with the "C" indicating it was a CAA certfied aircraft. There was also NX, the X being for Experimental, and aircraft such as the Gee Bee racers and prototype Mustang fighter used that designation.

The C was done away with and all aircraft with that designation just became plain N. If an aircraft, such as mine, originally had the NC designation it has become legal to paint that on the airplane, but in official records they are still just "N".
Foto Messerschmitt Me 109 Flugzeug Luftwaffe Bf 109 Jäger Kennung . | eBay

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OK. For Leonidas. Most of here are a bunch of old farts who enjoy pulling the leg of a young newbie, you know, like pull my finger. So, the more I thought of it, it brought me back to your age when the old grayheads would mess with me. Considering you are young enough to be my Great Grandson and because we are supposed to teach as well as have some sport with you, here goes the paper clip story. Snautzer gets most of his posts from E-bay and the sellers use items on the pics to keep us from copying and reselling. A clip, sometimes a coin. That's it.
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