Girls and Aircraft - Volume II

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Tell you what chaps - if that female on the MoD ATC recruiting advert looked as rabbit scared :shock: as that at work, she'd would have been under very close supervision on my Sqn! And if the truth be told she'd be fighting for any solo endorsements too with that apparent lack of confidence. ATC is not a game for faint hearts and shrinking violets, nomatter one's gender (don't like to use the word 'sex' - it has smutty overtones dontcha think?) or how good looking you are!

PB, whats your view, or am I being too harsh?


  • 007-Penthouse-girl-1_jpg.jpg
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SAAF Hawker Female Pilot, Major Cathrin Labuschagne (fighter-pilot). from 85 Combat Flying School.


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V2, you gotta stop hogging pics like that!!! :)

3rd from the end of that helio looks nice! I like the photoshopped penguin! :)
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