Grumman-Cats Photo Album

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Here's my first attempt at reducing an image from my new camera so bare with me, it's a learning process
Thanks to evangilder for his help.


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I have a canon XT 8megapixal with a tamron 300mm zoom with a 2X magnifier making it a 600. It's still a struggle to get them small enough to post on most forums with I take a full resolution shot. Most of the R/C forums that I belong to want 50 K pics and it's hard to get to that. Using my little cannon powershot it takes really clear pics at it's lowest setting so I just don't understand why I can't get them to shrink up.
here's a few pic of the IMAC contest that my r/c club put on this june. I don't know the names of all the owners of these planes but they are really nice.


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in case you liked those here are some more.


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I was at the selfridge ANGB airshow last weekend and got to see the C-17 for the first time and got some really nice in flight shots of it. I also saw the army sky soldiers with there nice shiny cobras and they did look nice. I'm still working on photo's but I'll have more coming.


  • selfridge-07 265.1.jpg
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I don't know if I've mentioned this yet but I reeeally like my new camera.:D


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I have photoshop 2.0. I know it's the older version and yes I would like the newer one but I have to come up with some funds for my new plane this winter. I'm gonna get a 35% extra 300S. I definately have to many hobbies. I'm also putting together a DVD of thunder over michigan. If you want one let me know and pm me your address and I'll send it when I get done.
Sounds cool. One thing you may want to experiment with is the sharpen after resizing. Resizing can lead to some sharpness loss. Once resized, and adjusted as you want it, try the sharpen filter. It brings the detail back out.

One other thing is to resize them to the same size so that it presents better. Just a couple of tips from the pros.
This was my first time seeing the sky soldiers and I was impressed. It was interesting to see a multi helo act and they did an excellent job.


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Thought I'd post another one from selfridge last year. This is the type of aircraft I worked on in the army. I'm thinking of building and R/C version of it, haven't seen any of those around and the kingair itself is few and far between.


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here's one of a club member doin his thing.


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I took the boy to see the monster truck nationals last weekend and they turned out all the lights when they brought out megasaurus to eat the car and my canon still took some excellent shots of it without the flash and without a trypod. I'm likin more and more.:D


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sorry about the size of that first one. I need to remember to use the same settings when I reduce. Anyway that was tailgator, the winning truck. Just so happens that I'm a big suzuki fan.8)


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