Grumman-Cats Photo Album

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I was out in the woods with the boys yesterday playing and got a few photo's that came out pretty good I think. I had to really shrink this one to be able to load it so hopefully it doesn't look that bad.


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The last two pics are of my latest projects. The high wing trainer is for my son, I through that together over the last two weeks and the edge is my new IMAC plane. It's all I can afford at this moment in time, I would like to go bigger but the motors are just a little too expensive. This is just 28%, I wanted the 35%, maybe someday:cry: . With all that said I should be starting to use my airbrush soon so I'm hopeing that goes well. I've got what I want to paint on the hood of my car and my motorcycle helmet so we'll see how things progress.


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I thought this was an iteresting shot of a C-47.


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Here's some misc. photo's that I had some trouble with. I was using my 300mm lense and the light was getting limited which was giving me fits. Even with the lowest shutter speed that I dared go down to shooting free hand I still couldn't capture enough light.


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Hi Grummancats,

>Even with the lowest shutter speed that I dared go down to shooting free hand I still couldn't capture enough light.

Hm, what was the lowest shutter speed you used? The picture of Screaming Demon II (my favourite due to the great black columns of exhaust smoke :) seems to show 1/200 s in its EXIF data.

Attached a shot I made with my new Sony Alpha 700, showing 1/30 s at 200 mm (about the same as your tractor shot).

Of course, the Sony has image stabilization, but smooth panning (and accepting a share of blurred shots :) can yield nice effects even without that.


Henning (HoHun)


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Image stabilization lenses are a great thing, if you can afford them. In low light conditions, upping your ISO setting will allow more light in. It's a trade-off sometimes with that as higher ISO can give you more graininess.
Good stuff guys! What event is going on in your pics Jim? (other than some vehicles trying to pull an large immovable object).

It was just the local fair. That particular night was the truck and tractor pulls. They had two tractors powered by allison v12's and two powered by turbojets but they ran last and it was really dark so I couldn't get any decent photo's of them.
Hi Evan,

>Image stabilization lenses are a great thing, if you can afford them.

The nice thing about the Sony SLR bodies is that they feature integral image stabilization so that you can use affordable lenses and still have a stabilized picture.

In fact, I'm using a second-hand vintage Minolta AF lens with my new Sony and am very happy with the results, even in direct comparison to my friend's Nikon D80 with image-stabilized lens (which is a great rig, too).


Henning (HoHun)
It's been a while since I posted anything and I've been playing around at the club field and here's some that I've came up with.


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Thanks guys.

I finally got my edge 540 finished and up flying. Well finished for the most part. I still want to do some airbrush work on the sides of the cowling and put some more grapfics around here and there. But I have some more practicing to do before I go painting on it.


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I was going through my pictures the other day and thought I would share a couple of texan pics that I took from a local flyin that I thought came out well. The first one with all the dust in the background I thought was neat and the second just came out incredibly clear and I really like the color scheme on it.


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Here's a shot of my closest local warbird with an interesting cloud formation in the background.
I so wish I could get a photo shoot with this aircraft. That would be incredible. Of course I havent' asked either. I guess that's the first step.


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The nice thing about local events is that you can get so close to the runway during the takeoffs and landings. It does allow for some great shots that you would otherwise not get at an airshow.


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