Handguns from World Wars

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Issued in 1939 as the successor of the old Mauser 1914/34 series, the HSc was a very attractive (and eficient) pistol, with a highly modern design. Chambered mainly for 7,65mm, it was used by Army officers as well Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe soldiers. It was the Walter Nowotny´s sidearm.

This was was made very late in war (probably one of the last one made) and has a parkerized (phosphate) finish, which gives it a "greenish"-look!

Also shown are the Iron Cross 2nd Class and the Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze.



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Nice P38! :D I didn´t manage to see the maker´s code... what it it? cyq?

The Beholla is a very interesting pistol. Many officers carried it during WWI.

I can just imagine him, sitting in the rocking chair on the porch, holding that on his lap, pointing it at random people for fun :lol:
CC I have done it........... ! :D for about an hr until a got some real scared looks from drivers going by. I made a quick exit into the back of the house and hid the "big pipe"

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