Happy Birthday Les:-)

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Happy Birthday Les. 41 means you are now closer to being able to collect Social Security (59.5) than you are to being able to drink legally (21). Sucks, but it's true.

That realization, in an of itself, is worth a shot of Tequila.

You've got to be kidding me. By the time he gets to collect SS, he'll be 75 years old and forgot what to use it for!

Happy Birthday, Les. I hear 50 is the new 30!!! So you have a lot to look forward to.
Just to make you feel great about your age, Dan...it's my birthday tomorrow...and you've got a good twenty plus years on me.
Thanks... I'm off to Manchester tonight to see Black Stone Cherry and Hinder, then get a BIT drunk
Just think of it at 41 orbits around the sun on space ship earth. Now go find two twenty-one year old girls to ease the pain.
Although embarrisingly behind schedule, here it is:

My birthday present for you Dan. Best wishes and go get another 41!


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From one old fart to another, happy birthday. Here's to many more years of cold beer and big titties. From what I can see of that pic up there, you're doing alright in the department...

Enjoy! Don't do anything I wouldn't do...oh wait...you probably already have!

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