Harrison's Pics.

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Pic 1: How the new room is coming....

Pic 2: Honda Pilot

Pic 3: Equipment and part of the new siding were getting....


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If your my parents...

The rooms not for me and I really don't care what the house looks like

Tomorrow I am going skiing, wish I could bring my camera but I know I'll drop it,
Couple pics...

First: Where I'll be watching the superbowl tonight...

Second: A fire I just started...

Third: How the addition to the house is coming.


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Pimp my gun

First gun I used an M9 Beretta as the template... added foregrip, extended mags, and a collapsable stock.

Second gun (made from nothing) ... Used an M4 Carbine receiver, added thermal scope, pistol grip, adjustable stock, AKM barrel, and a silencer.

Third gun (made from nothing) used an M4 receiver and turned it into a SMG. Added a holographic sight, MP5 silencer, M4 grip, folding stock, and 30rnd magazine.

Fourth gun I used an M14 template. added the sniper scope, the 9mm magazine in the back, and the grenade launcher. Shows what type of bullets are used. The rounds can be changed through a switch 8)

Pver all I like the SMG I made....gun 3


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