Harrison's Pics.

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Playing around with this one image to get it to look older...and decided to do another

Kinda has the appearance of a copy of an old photo in a newspaper.


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Let me add that you are doing a great job keeping your horizon level in your shots. A tilted horizon is one of my pet peeves. It is okay for some artsy shots, but when it it a nice landscape like you did with the bridge and the Statue of Liberty, having that straight level horizon is the mark of a good eye.
Here's some slavaged pictures from the one camera that broke in Mexico

We went to Costa Rica and Panama after and I have 2 shots taken with a different camera of us scuba diving.

These were taken by my dad so any picture issues are his fault!!


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Then we found El Chupacabra ..... turned out to be a homeless dog who we gave something to eat and drink before we left.


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Then these were taken today at West point

The view of the Hudson River is trophy hill where guns captured in combat were sent to be displayed. (hence the long row of cannons) also it was strategic because there was a bend in the Hudson there where ships had to stop and turn so it prevented the British from using the Hudson

I was on crutches and had I had the camera a lot more pictures would have been taken.


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