Harrison's Pics.

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Great pics! My uncle and his wife are buried at West Point.

Yeah, whats this about crutches? Didn't that happen last year?
Ouch. Sorry to hear that, bro! Listen to your doctors, you'll be off those things in no time! Great pics, too, keep shooting, and experiment with different angles and focal lengths.
Me...at my finest :lol:


  • Hockey.jpeg
    77.7 KB · Views: 117
Apreciate it guys! And Eric there's an app called Instagram and you can edit your photos that way and this was one of the ones I was experimenting with
Did you get a chance to go thru the museum at West Point, been a long time for me but I remember it was pretty good.
Awesome! How come you didn't pull his shirt over his head before you kicked his azz? :lol:

Didn't get my hand where I wanted it with the initial grab and quickly found out I can throw them with my left just as good as my right :lol:

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