Hasegawa 1/48 Bf 109K-4

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On we go towards the end! Finishing is just a matter of gluing all of the last bits on. The wheels have been attached to the struts, making sure that the flat spots contact the ground correctly.

A final bit of painting and weathering on the landing gear doors.

The separate control surfaces are glued in a relaxed down position. The loop antenna has been attached to the spine of the fuselage.

Since the tail is removable, I put a spot of wet paint on the table surface and rested the tail wheel on the wet paint. This gave me an accurate spot in which to sand a flat spot.

The landing gear covers are glued into place.

The supercharger intake with the re-worked weld line is put back on.

This is not a hair but the aerial made from stretched sprue. I painted it brown, a step I often skip out of laziness.

I added a few blobs of white glue which will be painted black when dry.

The last bits to be attached are the whip antenna and pitot tube.

I think she's done! The aerial comes close to touching the loop antenna but I REALLY don't want to redo THAT!

I'll need a free afternoon to take proper pictures of Blue 16 so it'll be a couple days before you'll see what Blue 16 truly looks like.
Agree with all. Good idea about the paint trick for the tail wheel.

For the main wheels, I never trust that I'll get the flat spots right before gluing them on for 109's and anything else with splayed landing gear. Instead, I drag the model over a sheet of sand paper after the wheels are glued on, holding the tires securely so as not to stress the legs and break them.

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