Hasegawa 1/48 Ki-43II

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Good start George. Those resin parts are a great improvement over the kit parts. When removing the casting block or cleaning up resin parts I do it in a shallow pan of water to eliminate all the dust. What you plan for the wingtips sounds like a good idea. I do the same thing when I have a kit with separate nose of tail pieces and it greatly reduces the chances of there being a step at the joint to deal with
Thanks Glenn. Still plodding along with the resin. I bought a fine razor saw a while ago but can't for the life of me remember where I put it when I moved everything to this larger room. Right now I am slowly running a hobby knife around the parts to remove them. When I get to the two pieces with the large stubs I'll take them to my spray booth, hit them with a Dremel cut blade, remove more with a grinder tip and then use the method you describe for final prep. 6 more pieces to go and then I can begin the build. I also have to remove the rear deck and gun-sight from the fuselage halves.
Plodding.....4 or 5 minutes of scraping to get to this stages. 15 minutes or so to remove and clean up.

Time to go shovel 3" of snow off the driveway to make room for the rest of it to fall later today
My neighbor graciously offered me his snowblower after I was 3/4 done shovelling. Every year I swear I'll buy a snowblower and every year I shovel. Here's a test....driveway is roughly 12' x 35', average yearly snowfall, just over 10', this is my 32 winter here. How much snow have I shovelled? Anyhoo... I ran the cut-off disk around the pour stubs and will grind off a bit more before using files. I also remove some of the resin from the rear of the cockpit floor and this improved the fit of the wing/fuselage immensely, almost perfect...

.....hands up those who have tried to blow dust off a part while wearing a respirator
LMAO. Resin is all tidied up with only a minor chip at the back of the fuselage decking, better than I expected. Removed the plastic on the fuselage halves. I wanted to test fit the resin with the fuselage and canopy.....no clear parts in the box!!!!!!! On hold until I locate them..........................
Probably for the best Michael, can't imagine the chemicals are all that good for you. Thanks guys. Received an email from Hasegawa and they do have replacement clear parts. When I get home Wednesday morning I'll have a shufti around the room and if no luck I'll call them, stressing over and over and over, the kit name and number plus the "S" sprue.. Did some test fitting of the resin innards and the sidewalls of the fuselage will definitely need a bit of thinning out
just install a heated driveway Geo, will work every time
Great progress so far and trust me, canopy parts are always a pain but so nice when the manufacturer sends a new set, I've given up on the "perfect" canopy. Its strange how competitions want it perfect when it was never the case if the plane sees service, they get scratched and mother nature does a job on them.

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