I read this and got so angry I could spit nails. Please distribute far and wide. I don't want the production crew, nor CBS to get away with this disrespect. Here are a few excerpts:
Angry yet? it gets worse.
I was ready to find that earpieced production assistant and punch his lights out.
The bigshot Hollywood types will think they can get away with it, but this time, they are wrong. It is going viral on Twitter, Facebook and a number of other mediums. CBS, you owe one BIG apology to the folks of the greatest generation. No production schedule or timeline can excuse the disrespect you have shown the living and the dead. I am going to find out the sponsors and let them know that I will not use their products and services as long as they are sponsoring that show. Hit them where it hurts, their wallet.
Hawaii Five-0 crew disgraceful to WWII Pearl Harbor survivors | Colorado's Morning News - Exclusive Station for the Broncos, Buffs Rockies
Within 30 minutes of our arrival, we conducted a small ceremony that began with the presentation of the Colors by the University of Hawaii Army ROTC. The National Anthem followed. I emceed the event and looked out on men who had been injured December 7, 1941 – they represented the USS Arizona, Tennessee, St. Louis, Pennsylvania, Lexington, Medusa, Sacramento, Antares, Maryland, West Virginia, Stoddard, Tanney, Vestal and Pyro. This group of men also represented Ft. Kamahameha, Kanehoe Naval Air Station, Hickam Field, Schofield Barracks, Fort Shafter and Ford Island. At least eight were in wheelchairs. Average age: 91. The others sat in plastic chairs underneath a large, temporary tent. The cemetery representatives could not have been more respectful and there to assist.
Three hundred yards away and clearly visible to them, no one on the CBS production stopped for the anthem or any part of our program. This included the ending of our presentation – Taps and the moment of silence. I was perturbed, but because our veterans faced me, they couldn't see the disrespect. The ceremony ended and several men hopped on golf carts to visit their fallen comrades buried in other parts of the cemetery.
Angry yet? it gets worse.
Two minutes later, another guy with an earpiece came up and simply asked us to leave. Period. He was polite, and I politely retorted: "This is a public place and its Pearl Harbor week. These men have made it possible for you to shoot here today. Plus, this is where your director placed us."
I was ready to find that earpieced production assistant and punch his lights out.
Following the ceremony, I walked near the set to discover the actors and crew walking ON the graves. The production equipment was laid over the grave stones. I was amazed at the audacity of the crew to treat the graves as just a prop in their show, their lack of respect augmented by walking on the grave stones.
The bigshot Hollywood types will think they can get away with it, but this time, they are wrong. It is going viral on Twitter, Facebook and a number of other mediums. CBS, you owe one BIG apology to the folks of the greatest generation. No production schedule or timeline can excuse the disrespect you have shown the living and the dead. I am going to find out the sponsors and let them know that I will not use their products and services as long as they are sponsoring that show. Hit them where it hurts, their wallet.
Hawaii Five-0 crew disgraceful to WWII Pearl Harbor survivors | Colorado's Morning News - Exclusive Station for the Broncos, Buffs Rockies