Hello people.....

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My name is Gerry and I currently live in Monterrey Mexico.

I´m an aviation fan and not long ago I was searching for information regarding some details in the Luftwaffe Bf-110 g4´s (that is a 1:32 WIP) and navigating through the web I finally found again this excellent web site.

I´m also fond to the plane scale models since young. (My first plane that my dad gave me was a 1:72 Ju-88 G) that really made my mind flew when I began reading about the skills and dangers inherent to night fighting.......

I remember that some years ago I visited this page and found out that I was suscribed since quite some time ago.

I also want to thank all for your posted materiel that can be found in this web page, along with some nice stories that can´t be found elsewhere.

I also like the hobby of WWII plane pencil drawing, as well as continuing with the scale model making in several scales.

Again, best regards to all the people that contribute to make great and interesting this page....


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