Help Identify Picture

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Oct 11, 2009
Hagerstown, MD
Hi Folks,
I'm new to this forum and would like some help identifying this picture and it's pilots....actually I know the names of most of them, would would like to know more about their war records, the pictures origin, and the plane shown. The picture belonged to my Dad who passed in 1989. He is the pilot in the front row extreme right. Pappy Boyington is the pilot in the 3rd row, second from the right. In the upper right hand corner of the original in lightly marked letters is "Q NFV-1228 11-30-37" . That is cropped out of what you will see.
Someone told me that the "Q" might stand for Quantico. But I'm unaware of any flight training that may have taken place there. I'm assuming it was a training class or group....just because of the Bi-plane. Of course, the date is 1937.
On the back of the picture my Dad had written the following:
3rd Row: En Pilot ?, En Pilot ?, Sam Moore, Pappy Boyington, Norman Anderson.
2nd Row: Stinky Davis, Ray Baker, Bill Hudson, Howard Bowber, Lyle Meyers, Ray Emerson, Big A Williams.
1st Row: Carl Nelson, Ned Carney, Moe Daly, Oscar Brice, McKettrick, Bob Lee, Boeker Batterton, Carson Roberts, Ed Authier, and my Dad....
Another thing I don't understand....Dad had put 2 Asteriks over the names Norman Anderson, Oscar Brice, McKettrick (just one), and Carson Roberts...... I have no idea what they mean but possibly these pilots were KIA during WWII... Any help would be appreciated....
Tom I.
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would like to know more about... the plane shown.

Lovely photo Tom and welcome to the forum. As far as the biplane is concerned, based on the vertical aileron push-rod, inward slanting interplane "N" struts, cowled radial engine and the straight wing trailing edge I'll take a punt and say it's a Boeing F4B and possibly the F4B-2 variant. It also fits the timeline serving up to 1941.

Thanks Graeme and VB....that's a help in that I have no knowledge of that eras flying machines....The only planes I recognize are P-38's, P-51's and Corsair's.... :^). Perhaps someone will come along and recognize some of the pilot's names. It would be neat to know more about them. I'd also like to understand more about the occasion of the taking of the picture. I have Dad's complete service record and that puts him in Quantico for that time there must have been some type of aviation training or schooling there.
I appreciate your responses....
Tom I.
A small bit of info on Boyingtons early career.....

After completing flight training in March 1937 at Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida, he was designated as a Naval Aviator and received orders to the Fleet Marine Force at Quantico, Virginia. In July 1937, he accepted a regular commission in the Marine Corps as a Second Lieutenant. A year later, following attendance at the Corps' Basic School, he joined the Second Marine Aircraft Group at San Diego, California.
Also, when he went to Quantico, he was attached to VMF-1, which may mean ur father was part of this as well...

"Before reporting for his assignment with VMF-1 at Quantico, Virginia, he took advantage of his 30-day to return home, and reconcile with his wife Helene, who became pregnant with their second child. "

"He flew F4B-4 biplanes during 1937, taking part in routine training, an air show dubbed the "All American Air Maneuvers," and a fleet exercise in Puerto Rico."

"He received his wings and commission on March 11, 1937 at Pensacola. He served with Aircraft One at Quantico before attending Basic School at Philadelphia. Boyington's next assignment was with VMF-2 at San Diego."

"He was designated a Naval Aviator on 11 March 1937; he was next transferred to Quantico, Virginia, for duty with Aircraft One, Fleet Marine Force. He was discharged from the Marine Corps Reserve on 1 July 1937 in order to accept a second lieutenant's commission in the regular Marine Corps the following day."
Interesting stuff, Lesofprimus and pretty much mirrors my Dad's service record. The inscription in the upper left of the above picture is very light and small...the date could be 11/10, 11/20, or 11/30 of 1937. According to Dad's service record, he spent the first week of Dec, 1937, at air races in Miami, Fl.....then on to Fleet exercises in Puerto Rico. I didn't find this picture until after he died, but I do remember at some point in my younger years, asking him if he knew Boyington. He said that they were acquainted..... do folks like my F4B-2 avatar???
Tom I.
Welcome to the forum, Tom. FYI, I was born and raised in Baltimore. Born in 1934 and left in 1951 to join
the Navy. Bought a home in Va. Beach, Va. in 1960, and decided to stay.

Hope you enjoy the forum as much as I do....

I'm going put this back to the top in hopes that some others may come along and know some of these pilots.
Thanks, all, for the the warm welcome.....
Tom I.
I solved one of the mystery's and found some info about a few of the pilots. What I thought were asteriks are actually stars and designate those pilots who acheive General rank. If one googles the names of the General Officers, you'll find some obits and other info. This was a great discovery for me!
Tom I.

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