Hey guys, new guy checking in.

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It's called sleep, however you have not scared me yet. Though I did have an odd nightmare of a certain aircraft forum... At this point y'all just coming here for free "post counter +1".
The sentiment here for a recently is that suddenly colonial times was great, everything ran smoothly until the Chinese came. Maybe sell us some more opium and start another war? It might remind us why we were a colony .
In spite of my grandfathers association with the IRA back in the Old Days, pre WWI, it's good we haven't scared you ...... wait a minute. I take that back.
I would find it hilarious if the post count get reset. It's not like you get extra access to other parts of the forum... Do you?
'Oh geeez, I'm not gonna get started on the concept of a PM, who is Not an Aussie! she's Welsh, or a sissie GG..... even I could be a GG.

Paul, I forgot about EJ..... Good one! '

Elton John has more money than the Windsor's too !
Welcome Gunscatter ..from one IL2'er to another, it is the same reason; for a different A/C, that I originally ended up here to which some would change that to 'trapped' here..
Can I ask, what is your version preference for IL2? 4.09m, 4.10.1, 4.11m (with hotfix), DBW 1.71, UP3 etc...
Currently my own is IL2 1946 4.11m, although I have had DBW with Jetwar 1.2.
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I would find it hilarious if the post count get reset. It's not like you get extra access to other parts of the forum... Do you?
Yes. Yes you do. Secret stuff. Stuff I can't talk about.
Give you a hint, though, some of it's about how Terry got his adversion to a certain Grumman aircraft. Has to do with his mum being frightened by an airplane while she was preggers with the old boy. I can't say any more just now, but there is a bit more on a certain swettish person. And some Aussies.
(You know how they are!)
For those with fragile egos? I'LL SHOW YOU A FRAGILE EGO!!! Oh, I mean hi... welcome to the totally non-crazy, not-at-all-cannibal, forum. *twitches*

Hey, wait just a darned minute! Do we allow Code talk in here. What's he gettin at? Should we recruit a code breaker? Should we inform Homeland Security? Uh oh!
That's awful tough talk from someone who flies around with his drop tank on backerds!!!!!!!!

'Sides, he's not new, he's been here since April!

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