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Aug 1, 2014
W Midlands UK
Just found this forum and it's awesome.

Familiar story here - obsessive kit builder as a small child in the 70's. Now i have time and money on my hands and I have returned in the past 12 months. Slowly building up my knowledge and skills via places like this and have now produced some work I am quietly happy with and am improving with every kit.

I shall post what I have done in the completed kits section.

Current serving member of the RAF (electronics air defence radar specialist)

Hope to have some fun here.
Welcome from a bit further north. Your ce... er, room will be ready soon, and Jan is getting the beers in.
There are three Appels per day, at 07.00, 13.00 and 19.00, held in the main compound, and remember to stay well clear of the warning wire ......................
Wait a minute............. Small child............ in the 70's??????
He's only in his 40"s............ he ain't old!
I was a small child in the 40"s for cryin out loud!
Did you bring bacon?

Oh....and welcome to cell block....eeerrrmmmm.....family, please feel free to join in.....in....eeehh....group therapy is Monday, Wednesday and Friday..

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