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Mar 26, 2016
Hi. I'm not sure if this is the right thread to post an intro but where better than here I suppose?

Well I'm Mike. I live on Long Island, New York. Home of 24/7 cawfee and wawks on the Lawn Guyland beaches (and yes I do have that Long Island accent). I'm currently a sophomore in college studying either Mechanical or Manufacturing engineering (depending on if my change if major request went through).

For Hobbies I like to build models, but mostly armor, although I haven't done much building for awhile now. I sometimes play some PC games like Warthunder and World of Tanks. I've also been doing some 3D CAD work: drawing designs of objects and uploading the designs to Shapeways to get printed. I've been making some detail parts for various models and scales. Currently trying to get some plans for some cockpits to draw them up. I also play hockey.

I guess that's it.

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