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A quick search on google for "Extreme toilet roll" came up with a picture of the American flag...

Heres a good picture. In the bathroom, no-one can hear you scream...


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I don't think you realise how powerful C4 is do you, CC? 1 lb will blow you to pieces - your entire body.
I saw footage on TV testing explosives and they put enough C4 to fit in the mans hand on this door to blow the door off - like they do on movies - and it blew half the wall away. Anyone caught on the otherside of the wall would have probably been dead too.

Imagine if those suicide bombers had C4 strapped around them - 10 lbs of that would have blown the subway carriage to bits and everyone inside of it. The bus would have been practically demolished too.
The good thing about C4 is as component it is very safe. I was talking to some of our demolitions people when I was the NCO Acadamy and they said that in order for it to explode you have to have 2 things, heat and pressure. If you set it on fire it will not explode. If you throw it against a wall it will not explode. You combine the 2 together you get one hell of an explosion. They said that when they go to the field they cut small blocks of C4 and use it to cook on by just setting it on fire.

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