Horrible, Vile, Disgusting are too mild

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Living returning soldiers were treated pretty badly but I can accept that, but these memorials are to men/women who gave "the last full measure" for what they believed in whether you happen to agree or not. Respect their sacrifice
Anti-Americanism is quite fashionable on university campuses and other places these days, so it's not surprising. But it is sad.
Our priest reflected in his homily at our Memorial Day mass that true peace is grounded in ordered tranquility, something that is sadly lacking in our current culture, which seems to be charged with increasing envy and pride. I'm betting the perpetrators weren't Nazis, but knew that drawing swastikas would deeply offend people.
That p!sses me off to no end. I had friends killed in Vietnam, my father was a veteran of Korea and Vietnam, my first step-father was a veteran of the Korean war, and my step-sister's son was killed in Iraq when an I.E.D. exploded under his Humvee. Find that bast*rd or b!tch and whip the scum til it bleeds.
The original report was written by a journalist who hates Trump, totally misrepresented the whole situation. Let it go.

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