How life can change in a fraction of an instant

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Jeez I am really sorry about your situation and hope you have a quick recovery. What happened to the other guy? Let me guess, texting, talking on the phone, drunk or drowsy. Certainly he/she was doing one of those. Really sorry to hear this. Terribly sorry.
Dave, just happened to catch this thread, like everyone else posted here what an amazing story. Those Buicks are built like tanks that you survived is by God's Grace. I wish you the very best speedy total recovery possible. Take care, you will be in my prayers
Thanks guys for all the well wishes!
This has been some pretty serious testing of one's character :/
Lived in through some serious stuff for my time but this has to be there at the top of the list...

It turns out that the other guy was an 84-year-old woman. She did not fair as well as I did although she is still alive somehow. Her condition beyond this is something I do not have details about but will hear more as time goes by.

I am home now and healing begins, Anymore details as I get them of course I will pass along to you guys.

Be prepared for ongoing back issues though with a fractured L5 (depending where the debris went).
Hugh, it was a high compression fracture with the fracturing (and seperation of small fragments) occuring to the front of the bone, leaving the rear area clear of any danger to the spinal column...
Get well soon Dave, feckinbell dude, that Toyota (Yaris chassis based for the US market) must of been built like a tank! least you weren't in an 80's Renault.
Wish I caught this sooner sorry; wishing you better times, quick healing with least residual complications - and also to her too...
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I saw this on FB and I hope you know my wishes. TG you are in one piece and upright! Heres hoping for a quick, painless recovery!!
Man oh man, just reading this now Dave... like Chris said, thank God you're on the mend mate, praying for a speedy full recovery!!!

Of the old woman who caused the accident , sounds like it's time to cancel her license, even if she makes a full recovery.
Good luck with your recovery and hope everything works out for you.

Very scary stuff and there but the grace of God go I.
Thanks Guys for the support!

This has been a hell of an ordeal, to say the least. But at least I'm above the dirt, so there's hope still, right?

My post from a few days ago:

Sure it will be a bitter pill to swallow to say goodbye to her, But she saved my life and will forever hold a warm spot in my heart

Was supposed to be accompanied by a photo, but I was so out of it, I didn't realize that I failed to attach the image...then again, that dang iPhone is a pain in the ass to use on web-pages to start with, then add mind-numbing pain meds and the whole deal goes to hell in a hand basket real fast!

Here's the intended photo of my Scion:
Dave prayers are with and listen to your body my Thorasic's and C's and L's are all fractured how I am able to be upright is only of the good Lord above. I always overdue it like yesterday and I feel it, and now my cancer has returned for a second time so the fight continues............. be strong Bud, bone pain is the Sh**'s.

be well

E ~

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