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Shocking news GrauGeist. Thank goodness the lady driver wasn't going any faster. Sorry about the car but better it than you.
Hope things are getting better and wishing you a very speedy recovery.
I haven't been spending much time on the forum lately and I missed this when it happened. Once again it just shows how we take our lives into our own hands every time we drive our cars someplace.

I am very happy to hear that you are on the mend, albeit somewhat slowly, from this unfortunate turn of events. Prayers and best wishes that you have no setbacks that slow the recovery any further.

Thanks for the well wishes and encouragement,'s most appreciated!

Healing is slow going, which is to be expected. Most of the injuries I sustained were from the safety restraint system preventing me from massaging my face with the windshield and/or various dash components. The combined impact of the two vehicles would be as though I had drove my Scion at over 105mph into a concrete wall, so the restraint system (while it saved me from horriffic injuries) was like bungee jumping from a bridge with a steel cable.

I keep trying to figure out how the heck I allowed the other car into my zone, I have been fortunate with good reflexes over the years and yet one managed to get through...kind of frustrating, really.

And yes, Aaron, the Scion can be replaced, but this one was a total Gem...immaculate condition (38,000 original miles), all the factory hi-performance goodies one could ever ask for, a badass stereo system and an absolute joy to drive. There are many others like it, but none the same...
Dave, could say the same about you, it is trite but it is you, that is truely "one of a kind". Your next machine wil be cooler, faster, and badasserest than the Scion
Not sure you really give a ****... surely I wouldn't... but have you kept up with the situation with the gal that hit you? What's her status. And if you know and don't wish to post, just ignore this request. I get it.
Thanks Mike, though as much as I enjoyed the Scion, I'll try something else out for a while...not sure yet, but I have a few ideas...

Well Matt, to be honest, I feel sorry for the old gal. From the extent of her injuries, it's very unlikely she'll ever go home. She suffered a crushed pelvis, shattered right femur, crushed left foot, severe injuries to the chest, head trauma and a gloved left forearm. At the age of 85, this will be a very difficult to recover from and I hope the Good Lord will help her with comfort the best way he knows how :(

On the otherhand, if this had been intentional or drug/alcohol related, there would have been some serious consequences for the offending party...
Dave, you are very charitable to say the very least. There comes a time to give up things like driving a car. Vision, reflexes, spacial judgement, etc. get poorer and poorer. That old gal was an accident wating to happen. Yea, I'm an old fart too, I just hope I'll call it quits when I cannot drive responsibly any longer
Glad to hear you're on the mend Dave, and I agree with Mike, you certainly have a charitable spirit, don't know if I could feel the same way under the circumstances.

I like that car too, but they weren't available up here when I wanted to buy. Hopefully you're able to find something else you really like, but I imagine that's pretty far from where you're thinking right now.
Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers,'s a hellofa deal being immobile like this. Though I do get out every so often, I can't do much and it appears now that my fractured L5 isn't healing properly (or is irritated, they're not sure yet...more tests due) causing nerve problems in my legs (i.e.: occasional inability to move them, patchy numbness, areas of burning, etc.) so I have to be inactive until they figure this out.

Otherwise, the foot is healing well, the broken ribs are mending, my shattered collarbone is due to be examined (looking at surgery), both lungs are doing well (left one had the bottom blown out, both had collapsed) and the sternum seems to have mended up well after being seperated.

And of course, we have to add to all that, the stress of the legal nonsense, dealing with disability paperwork, all the bills and pointing those people in the right direction and so on.

Have I mentioned that it's been almost 2 months since I've had a beer? Now that right there is the real tragedy!
Gord ahmighty man....... My torn rotater cuff is childs play.

I'll see if I can get some Anchor Steam sent to you!!!!
You deserve at least One.

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