How Many Army, Navy, Airforce, Marines....... (1 Viewer)

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As far as I know you have to do 20 to get a pension and I don't believe its changed but you do get a lump sum payment for all your pension contributions

I don't think he would be in the military for 20 years yet.....but then again he is 39 years old. He did start right after HS so maybe it has been 20 years....maybe he will get the increase after 25 years.......can't remember it was a month ago at the lake I talked to him and I didn't want to be too nosey in his business.
Why does most guys serve in the military for such a short period of time? Most times less then 10 years it seems.

I did 2 hitches (8 years) - In the mid-70s the Corps started to OJT 0311,
etc and I got a little nervous - I know I know all services draw down
after wars (one of the US's problems is not remembering what happened
the last time), But my concern was since we were FMF, we were on-call
24/7/365 and it is hard to imagine a bigger cluster-f**k than a bunch
of Boots in a line battalion...I usually tell people that the reason I didn't
stay for 20-25 was Peace Broke Out:shock: :lol:
I did work some private security in Africa for some companies, mostly
petro-chem, but it wasn't the same as being with my Jarhead brothers.
I don't think he would be in the military for 20 years yet.....but then again he is 39 years old. He did start right after HS so maybe it has been 20 years....maybe he will get the increase after 25 years.......can't remember it was a month ago at the lake I talked to him and I didn't want to be too nosey in his business.
If things haven't changed to much if you are of a certain rank you can extend the lesser ranks it's tougher to extend
I must admit, in my early years in the Navy I was extremely lucky. Came out
of boot #1 in my class.... automatic promotion to E3 and choice of school.
Went to RM(A) school in Bainbridge, Md (close to home, Baltimore). It was
their policy, number 1 in the class was automatic promotion to whatever
that persons next rate was. I did it again, came out of RM school an AL2
(E-5), also, top five in the class went right to TTY school. They didn't have
an automatic promotion policy, but the top five went to crypto repair school
at Norfolk Naval Shipyard, so I'm still in school. I came out #2, but got
no bennies. Got transferred to the USAF on exchange duty and wound up
at Wheelus, AFB in Tripoli, Lybia.

So I was very lucky, my first hitch. Re-inlisted in Port Lyautey, French
Morocco and came back to the states in Nov 1955. Got married the
17th of Dec..

It's been good to me..... the Navy, and I think I've given them 100%,
sometimes more.

When I was in UMT was in force and one had to serve unless ineligible for some reason. Had wanted a military career earlier and was slated to go to Annapolis but failed physical(color perception) After college graduation I could either enlist in some program or be drafted. Chose Texas Army National Guard and at that time it was 6 months active duty and 6 years of monthly drills and summer camps. Could have gone to OCS in Navy( ONI which waived color blindness) or Army with 3 year active duty obligation. In retrospect, should have done the Navy deal and possibly a career but in my infinite wisdom made the wrong choice. Got called up after Berlin Crisis and spent a year at Fort Polk training after which they released us. I was E4 and it was a waste of time. A career in the military is an honorable profession where sometimes one can make a difference and afterwards there are many second career possibilities. Hard to see that when one is young and stupid.
I did 6 years. Wanted to do 20 as a Pilot but decided against it after the flying became too much of a job for me and I did not want to lose my love of flying.

I also got tired of not being home with my wife and family. The Deployments were becoming to frequent and too long. Hell in a 29 month time Period I spent 24 months in Kosovo (10 months) and Iraq (14 months).

It was time to get out...
1983-1989 US Army and Army reserve. 19E(Tanker). 2/37 Armor 1st ID(F) in Germany. Came off active duty and went in reserves as a 64C(Truck Driver).The Army wanted to send me back to AIT to learn how to be a truck driver after I had been doing it for a couple years. Didn't want that so they changed my MOS again to 88H (Cargo Specialist), and started a correspondance course. After discharge in 1989 got a letter in the mail in 1990 to report for a physical for possible "recall" to active duty. Passed the physical but never heard anything else. Wish I had stayed and made 20, I'd be drawing a check now.
Adler: Here are some photo's taken in 54-55. The first was taken on the
flight line at Wheelus. That's me with the white-hat on. Donno who the
other guy was. Second photo was taken at Tiguria, Libya. The photo is
marked and dated 1955. That a 21 year old me on the bicycle ! The third
one was taken just south of Tripoli. I don't remember what it was, but it
was an entrance to something that was destroyed in WW-II. Last pic down
was taken in French Morocco.



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As far as I know you have to do 20 to get a pension and I don't believe its changed but you do get a lump sum payment for all your pension contributions

25 years, as of about a year ago. I sighned up under the old 20 year deal, so it's grandfathered in anyway, but the new guys (and gals) sighning up these days have to serve 25 years for the 40% pension. It increases 2% per year after that, just like before.

I've been in the navy for 18 years and counting, and I sighned my IPS (Indefinite Period of Service) contract last year, so it looks like I'm a lifer. Why? Well I like the work, the pay is good, and I like to travel. :cool:

Oh, and I get to serve my country and all that crap. :rolleyes:

i'm thinking of going in the army for a carrier once i get out of school not sure. what would you guys say ? would you given the chance go back and do it again ? or would you do something else.....
You know Aussie, when 911 happened - I went to a recruiter and said
'Sign Me UP!!!' First question was 'ow old are you Sir?' :shock: And my
reply was 'Old enough to know better but to young to quit, Sgt,':)
'I don't need boot again...I still remember - How to clean weapons,
walk a post, which officers to salute....And besides I thought you wanted
Yeah being young and immortal would be great and yes I would do
it again..Best Time of my life:!:

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