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......Santa Monica ...., not freezing my b***s off in some god-forsaken place
Here, here, Adler. In my opinion this is a silly thread and you were right to point it out in the 2nd or 3rd post.
the benefits is also a function of how much you earn.
Im earning a lot more if thats factored in.
Next time you're here, let Evan and I know. We can get to some of the aviation museums.
I absolutely despise travelling anymore the farthest I've been in the past few yrs is about 70 miles and I intend to continue . I travelled extensively prior to that and have been there and done thatYou can have your travel. You can have mine too. I have done so much traveling in my career that if I never see the inside of another airplane or hotel room again I will be a happy man. I have over a 1,000,000 frequent flyer miles and have no desire to use them. So the wife uses them to visit her parents. There is NOTHING fun about air travel these days.
There is NOTHING fun about air travel these days.